Nanoceramics, Inc.
The company was incorporated and received seed funding from the Polish Institute of Research and Development and Giza Polish Ventures at the end of 2015. Currently, it employs 9 people working on the solutions for electronic and automotive industries. Several prototypes and functioning demonstrators have proved sustainability of the concept. For the last year Nanoceramics started to cooperate with the global players in electronic and automotive industries from USA, Japan and Germany.
The material, components are made from, does not include any organic additives what extends their application temperature range. At the same time, the eco-friendly and low cost patented method of production gives a huge competitive advantage in the global market. Nanoceramics’ components can reduce the size, weight and even cost of the mass market electronic devices including laptop and smartphone power supply, converter for PV system and many others.
Nanoceramics produces electronic components, such as power inductors, chokes, transformers etc., which are able to transfer high electric power through the small volume. This is extremely important for electronic device manufacturers because an extension of functionality of novel smartphones, tablets and other electronics significantly increases their power consumption. As a result, commonly available solutions are not able to meet the growing requirements. Therefore, Nanoceramics’ components are very promising for the electronic market in the nearest future.
Team Leader
Dr. Eng. Pawel Głuchowski
Dr. Eng. Pawel Głuchowski – a graduate of Wroclaw University of Technology (Materials Engineering, MSc Eng.), Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research (Physics, Ph.D.) and Wroclaw University of Economics (Project Management). CEO of Nanoceramics Inc. where he is responsible for ceramic technology and management of the company. He work also as a professor assistant at the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of Polish Academy of Science, Wroclaw, Poland. He gained his experience in the field of materials engineering in Poland and abroad (Finland, Italy, Belarus, Brazil). Author of 44 publications and 3 patent applications (2 PCT). Research interests of dr Głuchowski includes the development of new optical and magnetic materials (nanopowders, ceramics, thin films and composites) using different synthesis methods and characterization techniques (absorption, excitation, emission, luminescence kinetic, Raman, AFM, SEM, TEM and crystallography analysis, XANES, EXAFS, TG/DSC). After doctorate he took 1 year postdoc in Finland where he work on optical materials exhibiting persistent luminescence. The leader of two national projects and the main contractor in seven national and one international (FP 7) projects.