Our TransFerr team members Katarzyna Lenczewska and Katarzyna Hałubek-Głuchowska together with Mikołaj Łukaszewicz from the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research (ILTSR) took part in the 23rd edition of the Lower Silesian Science Festival (Dolnośląski Festiwal Nauki – DFN) on 21-23 September and they presented again a lecture entitled “Attractive effects of luminous recovered elements” but in a changed form. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all festival events are held remotely.
The lecture (in Polish) was available during the festival on the YouTube platform https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmaqGQ3E9vFbIPs-jjpZI5g. During the presentation, the optical and magnetic properties of lanthanide ions were discussed, informed about the importance of metals recycling, and showed experiments of materials containing rare earth ions obtained as part of numerous research projects implemented at the ILTSR, including EU projects: TransFerr and Recola.